Mental Health
Mental Health is a mental illness that could be depression, anxiety, and other illnesses.
This is a serious issue since 1 in 5 adults have a mental illness. Youth has also been affected, parents don't realize their children's problems or symptoms. Mental health and substance abuse both contribute to one another.
The people that are involved are youth, elderly and adults. when having a disorder it can affect your personal life, school and relationships.
What can be done about it is encourage students to research about mental illnesses to spread awareness. Educate the community about the misconceptions about mental health, and tell people if you feel like you have a mental illness seek help immediately.
Reflection: I chose this topic since a lot of people who are struggling with it, I struggle with a mental illness as well and it affects me as well. So believe everyone should be aware of these disorders and seek help if you believe you have one.
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